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If you choose to live in one of our gated communities, you’ll enjoy plenty of perks — we discuss a few below.

Safety and Security

One of the biggest reasons people choose to live in a gated community is for security and safety. Only residents and invited guests can enter through the guard gated security gates, providing for safety, accountability, and privacy. As such, if long hours or regular travel keep you away, you can rest easy that your property is turn-key and well managed by an experienced property management company.

Reduced Traffic

Gated communities do not have through traffic, which means the only general “traffic” comes from residents leaving and arriving. When in Rugsan Gardens or Aragsan Village, this aspect decreases even more because we anticipate that a lot of residents will hardly use their cars to get around the community. You’ll see plenty of people walking around this gated community in Hargeisa, Somaliland—peace and quiet are the norm.

High Standards

Our gated communities will be governed by a homeowner’s association with an annual budget assessment that covers all the regular maintenance of the common areas, property damage, as well as reserves for major replacements or maintenance work. Needless to say, this structure brings peace of mind in that you can leave for months on end and be sure that everything will look pristine in your absence and more importantly, upon your return.

Sense Of Community

Since you’re living in a gated community, your sense of belonging will increase. Residents have a greater awareness of who is a resident and who is a stranger, which then results in trust and familiarity between fellow neighbours. These communities will also frequently have social, entertainment, and sporting events such as seasonal get-togethers.

Safer For Pedestrians

Gated communities have reduced vehicle speeds, creating a much safer environment for pedestrians and children. With controlled access to each neighbourhood, children can bike and play freely and pedestrians, in general, don’t have to worry about speeding cars while on afternoon strolls and bike rides.

Our gated communities have everything you’d want—talk to one of our agents today!